Beauty is the Garden
scent of roses, murmuring water
flowing gently…
Can words describe the indescribable?
The show was inspired by the above poem by the 13th century Persian poet Rumi. Selected artists have responded to the theme, which has resulted in a beautiful summer exhibition for Long & Ryle. Follow this link to view the e-catalogue.
Exhibiting artists: Nick Archer, Su Blackwell, Ian Bliss, Orlanda Broom, Charlie Calder-Potts, Simon Casson, Ricardo Cinalli, Daniel Chatto, Jocelyn Clarke, Anne Desmet RA, Ramiro Fernandez Saus, Maro Gorky, Nicholas Hely Hutchinson, Henrietta Hoyer Millar, David Inshaw, Dylan Lloyd, Sue Macartney-Snape, Jane MacEwen, Melanie Miller, John Monks, Katharine Morling, Helen Napper, Geoff Routh, Brian Sayers, Humphrey Spender, Adrian Wiszniewski