Inside Maro Gorky's Tuscan Technicolour Dreamhouse

Vanessa Nicolson, The Financial Times HTSI , March 31, 2023

Ahead of Maro Gorky's 80th birthday retorpective, 'A Life Painting', Vanessa Nicolson from the Financial Times HTSI visits the artist in her 'Tuscan techinicolour dreamhouse'. 


'It is 50 years since I was last driven up this long track towards the Tuscan farmhouse where artists Maro Gorky and Matthew Spender have lived and worked since 1968. Pollarded limes interspersed with the occasional sculpted figure lead the eye to the old building, ringed by cypresses, where we are met by a peacock, resplendent in his uniform of blue and green'. - Vanessa Nicolson


Maro Gorky, 'A Life Painting' is at Long & Ryle, 4 John Islip St, London SW1, from 19 April to 12 May