Ramiro Fernandez Saus: Prospecting the Inner Isles: A Retrospective Exhibition

4 December 2019 - 29 February 2020

The arc of Saus’ painting has encompassed much over the years. Ramiro takes his viewers on adventures and we travel the world in his imaginary sailing boats and steam ships. We visit distant lands, encounter exotic romance and step into the secrets rooms of his imagination. When talking about his cast of characters Saus says “my characters are poetic figures: they don’t have a logical explanation. They arrive to me in an intuitive way and most of the time I don’t know why. But I can always tell for sure if they are going to enlighten the mystery in the painting.”


The exhibition will feature works that track the evolution of Saus’ career. His early work ‘The Poet’ features the pivotal image of a figure gazing upwards at the stars in a state of contemplation. This pensive image is a visible narrative that runs throughout his work and to his present day paintings. “Not at all naïve, [Saus] is a deeply sophisticated artist who enjoins us to revel in his paintings and be happy, for through happiness do we understand the world better” (Andrew Lambirth).


“The substance of Ramiro Fernandez Saus’s paintings lies in their literally trembling surfaces, which are the evidence of a febrile conflict between painterly composition and what I think of as a kind of roman a clef smelling of canvas and linseed oil” - Jay Merrick.